How To Move Past Decisions And Into Taking Action

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We have to make a lot of decisions each and every day. However, it is important to understand that these decisions are only a concept until they actually get put into action. This seems very obvious, but we are all at fault for deciding we will do something such as lose weight or stick to a healthy diet but never actually doing it.

This is because different excuses and other forms of procrastination get in the way of our goals and prevent us from living our lives to their fullest potential.

When you are able to get into the habit of taking action on your different thoughts, beliefs, and decisions, you will find that you are becoming extremely productive and are able to let go of the fears that may have gotten in the way in the past.

Oftentimes, we fail to realize that our subconscious mind is getting in the way of our goals and preventing us from taking action. By acknowledging the ways that we can transform our mindset to become more efficient, we can live a more satisfying and rewarding life. Below are a couple of ways that you can move through the decision-making process and turn your goals to actions.

1. Do Not Over-Plan

We often get stuck in the planning process because we want to make sure that everything is perfect and that we are as prepared as we can be for acting on our goals. Although preparation can be very important, it can keep us procrastinating and prevent us from getting to the finish line. Plans can make us inflexible and unable to see alternate solutions when things go wrong.

Create a plan that will keep you accountable but understand that unexpected outcomes will inevitably get in the way and will alter this plan. This will allow you to let go of the fear of being unprepared and will make you more accepting in order to take action.

2. Stay Present

When you are too afraid due to past experiences or failures that have shaped your mind and are impacting your future, you will not be able to step out of your comfort zone in advance in life. When you are too scared of what might happen in the future or the worst possible scenarios, the anxiety will get in the way of you finally taking action. When you are able to notice the present moment and let life flow, you will be able to act based on logic rather than emotion.

3. Hold Yourself Accountable

After you make a decision, the hardest part is staying committed and not letting your negative self-talk or doubt get in the way. When you write things out such as a to-do list or talk to others about your plan, you’ll be able to hold yourself accountable when your mind tries to get in the way.

Holding yourself accountable means accepting uncertainty and embracing the fact that you are in control of your life. Once you understand these two things, you will be your most productive self.

4. Let Go of Circumstances

We decide we will do something; we often finish the sentence by adding that our circumstances must be perfect for us to begin. Without realizing it, we are procrastinating and putting ourselves farther from our goals.

When you can understand that the circumstances will never be perfect, you will be able to act immediately and will not be waiting on your surroundings.

By letting go of the hopes you have for the future and the way that your life will be when you begin, you can your current circumstances to your advantage and start acting rather than thinking.

Wondering what it means to “take action"? Read this article to find out more…