8 Ways to Be a Better Leader

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Being a better leader promotes success in the business or organization. In fact, it is vital actually to any success. This is because a leader knows how to guide their team and be productive. If no one fills this role it is likely tasks will be accomplished in untimely matters or what out any rhyme or reason. Everyone will decide on their own accord what is important, instead being on the same page to accomplish the same goals.

The following are eight ways you can become a better leader:

1. Be a part of the team – Don't just tell your team what to do and then don’t participate. A great leader doesn’t demand they guide them. In order to guide them, you must set an example. By setting an example you also participate in whatever activity you assign them as long as the time permits. If fact, you should really make sure you make the time to personally demonstrate what you want from your team.

2. Lead not drill – Not be to a broken record but again it is important to guide people where you want them to go not demand or force it into them. You want to encourage someone to the finish line not command them to it. If you have a dull tone and bark commands, it's unlikely anyone will want to follow through or stick around. It only breads a negative atmosphere.

3. Be a role model – The best way to get what you want out someone is by showing them. For example, if you expect your employees to be fifteen minutes early to work every day you must be there on time as well. If not, who is going to hold them accountable? You are likely going to have a lot of people show up late because they are seeing your lack of action as not caring even if you really do. Exude what you want out of others by being the example.

4. Be positive – A negative atmosphere only breads more negativity. If negativity is all you focus on your results will too be poor. Don’t allow anyone in your team to bring outside negativity. Promote working through these challenges so you can always make sure you team is on the right side.

5. Recognize success more than mistakes – Take the time to recognize those who are putting in the work and were successful. This allows your team to know you value them and realize that it also takes their hard work in order to be successful. The more others are recognized for their actions the more they are likely to continue to do good.

6. Be authentic – Great leaders have no problem with showing their true colors. They have a deep understanding of themselves and let it show.

7. Be confident, not arrogant – To successfully lead you must exude confidence but be sure you don’t take it too far and come off arrogant. Being confident is not doubting one's self-value, intellect, and self-worth. You don’t need to show off that is not being confident that is being egotistical.

8. Recognize mistakes – Listen to constructive criticism without negative thoughts or responses. A great leader knows they are not perfect and must-hear from others in order to learn and grow. They understand that they are not all-knowing and value others’ opinions so the team can continue to grow together.

If you want to be a successful team leader you must work hard and build your skills on a daily basis. A good leader knows they are not a finished product and that they are always a work in progress. Start by practicing these eight suggestions and you are sure to be able to lead a great team to success.